Thursday, December 29, 2011

Bye-Bye 2011

Are you serious? Did another year just pass us by? Where the hell did it go....let's review

After recovering from our trip to Louisiana, we unfortunately put another grandfather to rest, Darric stared in a TV commercial, as did Jordan. We didn't snowmobile much at all, but Geocached more than in years past. Grace had an awesome 2nd birthday at camp, and Jordan had one of the best 6th birthdays at the beach. Celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary. Attempted to climb Katahdin, but didn't make it to the peak due to weather conditions and me being a pussy. Got teary eyed at Jordan's Kindergarten Graduation and again at my Mom's College Graduation. Took a mini-family vacation to New Hampshire. Jordan became a First Grader, Gracie can now wear pig-tails and I became a 32 year old that never gets carded anymore. Gracie is now talking more, as is Jordan (if that's possible). Darric seems to be working more (if that's possible). I got a new camera and a new computer and a new job title and HD switcher at work. And how could I forget that Darric and his father both got Moose permits and both managed to tag out. I've had so much fun with my kids this year, watching them grow, watching them learn. I know I've said it before, and I'll probably say it again that these are the best ages ever.

Happy New Year Everyone...

Now onto 2012...My dad's getting married, my sister-in-law's getting married. I'm doing the Avon Walk For Breast Cancer. And who knows what else is in store for us...

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