I've been thinking of that moment lately, the moment of when this little alien joins us and especially those minutes before. Jordan's birth story wasn't the most fun, so to speak. As much as Doctor Jack said I was doing a good job, we all know that if I had been doing a good job Jordan wouldn't have taken 3 hours of pushing then. I've been thinking that some might have been caused by too much epidural and I couldn't feel enough to push hard enough, if that makes sense. So, I'm hoping I don't wimp out this time and I can do it without the epidural. I've also heard that every pregnancy is different and it's usually easier with the second, so I've got my fingers crossed.
I've already gotten lots of predictions and the majority think I'm going 2 weeks early and it's going to be a boy. I should start a pool. As much as I'd love to go right now, let alone 2 weeks early, I won't mind going full term just so that we're that much more ready. Considering that they just really started on the addition, we're behind as it is. The walls of the foundation were poured today and the building contractors should be here next Monday to start. Darric says that once they get started it will be fast going from there, but I'm still optimistic. If we were rich I'd put my nesting to work and hire a lawn crew to fix our yard and put in flower gardens, I'd hire a decorator to do over the baby's room and Jordan's room, I'd build a deck and buy tons of deck furniture and I'd pay each one extra to get it done now. But we're not rich or even close so I try to close my eyes at the sight of my yard or at the fact that all the baby stuff still sits in the attic.
For the next 8 weeks I plan to spend my days preparing for baby #2 as much as I can, including getting a manicure, pedicure, haircut, wax....I mean cleaning out the rooms, getting the stuff down from the attic and cleaning them, moving furniture, packing a hospital bag, getting the car seat in the car and most importantly...enjoy being a mom of 1 while I still am.
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